We here at oprainfall don’t just love video games: we’re big fans of anime, manga, and light novels, too. So in celebration of the medium, we’re here to give you our thoughts on what we’ve been watching and reading each week as we enjoy them. Old, new – anything goes.
Light Novels:
Spirit Chronicles Volume 5 – The Silver Bride
In preparation of my next review, I spent this week wrapping up my read of Spirit Chronicles Volume 5. I had expected a long-awaited return to previous storylines, a bit of development with the major isekai event that happened in Volume 4, and I had hoped we would have more time with some of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, my high hopes were not quite met, with only brief moments with my favorites, more setup than substance, and an unexpected storyline in the second half of the novel.
Well, I’m happy about the long awaited return of Celia, a mentor and the first friend of our hero, Rio. She plays a strong role in Volume 1, but is then sidelined until now. Four years have past since Celia and Rio had last interacted in the story, which actually seems a bit ridiculous given the vast abilities and resources Rio has had for some time now. Anyway, they have their reunion, Celia is upset with life, and Rio essentially brute-forces a solution, because he can now. Crude, yes, yet somewhat entertaining, though this volume features more conversations rather than action. Also, these convos are rife with classism, arrogance, entitlement, and plenty more that can make for a stressful impact on readers. Lastly, since the story is back to where the series started, plot points and characters introduced in Volume 1 are now being dredged up again, though I doubt they’ll linger for long, assuming the next volume plays out in similar fashion. – Drew D.
What anime are you watching? What manga and light novels are you reading? Let us know in the comments!
You can read previous Week in Anime & Manga entries here!